Constants Propagation


Effective in template-based machine-generated scripts to turn on/off certain sections.

Constants propagation is commonly used to:

const ABC = true;
const X = 41;

if ABC || calc(X+1) { print("done!"); }     // 'ABC' is constant so replaced by 'true'...
                                            // 'X' is constant so replaced by 41... 

if true || calc(42) { print("done!"); }     // '41+1' is replaced by 42
                                            // since '||' short-circuits, 'calc' is never called

if true { print("done!"); }                 // <- the line above is equivalent to this

print("done!");                             // <- the line above is further simplified to this
                                            //    because the condition is always true

Tip: Custom Scope constants

Constant values can be provided in a custom Scope object to the Engine for optimization purposes.

use rhai::{Engine, Scope};

let engine = Engine::new();

let mut scope = Scope::new();

// Add constant to custom scope
scope.push_constant("ABC", true);

// Evaluate script with custom scope
engine.run_with_scope(&mut scope,
    if ABC {    // 'ABC' is replaced by 'true'

Tip: Customer module constants

Constants defined in modules that are registered into an Engine via Engine::register_global_module are used in optimization.

use rhai::{Engine, Module};

let mut engine = Engine::new();

let mut module = Module::new();

// Add constant to module
module.set_var("ABC", true);

// Register global module

// Evaluate script
    if ABC {    // 'ABC' is replaced by 'true'

Caveat: Constants in custom scope and modules are also propagated into functions

Constants defined at global level typically cannot be seen by script functions because they are pure.

const MY_CONSTANT = 42;     // <- constant defined at global level

print(MY_CONSTANT);         // <- optimized to: print(42)

fn foo() {
    MY_CONSTANT             // <- not optimized: 'foo' cannot see 'MY_CONSTANT'

print(foo());               // error: 'MY_CONSTANT' not found

When constants are provided in a custom Scope (e.g. via Engine::compile_with_scope, Engine::eval_with_scope or Engine::run_with_scope), or in a module registered via Engine::register_global_module, instead of defined within the same script, they are also propagated to functions.

This is usually the intuitive usage and behavior expected by regular users, even though it means that a script will behave differently (essentially a runtime error) when script optimization is disabled.

use rhai::{Engine, Scope};

let engine = Engine::new();

let mut scope = Scope::new();

// Add constant to custom scope
scope.push_constant("MY_CONSTANT", 42_i64);

engine.run_with_scope(&mut scope,
    print(MY_CONSTANT);     // optimized to: print(42)

    fn foo() {
        MY_CONSTANT         // optimized to: fn foo() { 42 }

    print(foo());           // prints 42

The script will act differently when script optimization is disabled because script functions are pure and typically cannot see constants within the custom Scope.

Therefore, constants in functions now throw a runtime error.

use rhai::{Engine, Scope, OptimizationLevel};

let mut engine = Engine::new();

// Turn off script optimization, no constants propagation is performed

let mut scope = Scope::new();

// Add constant to custom scope
scope.push_constant("MY_CONSTANT", 42_i64);

engine.run_with_scope(&mut scope,
    print(MY_CONSTANT);     // prints 42

    fn foo() {
        MY_CONSTANT         // <- 'foo' cannot see 'MY_CONSTANT'

    print(foo());           // error: 'MY_CONSTANT' not found

Caveat: Beware of large constants

Constants propagation replaces each usage of the constant with a clone of its value.

This may have negative implications to performance if the constant value is expensive to clone (e.g. if the type is very large).

let mut scope = Scope::new();

// Push a large constant into the scope...
let big_type = AVeryLargeType::take_long_time_to_create();
scope.push_constant("MY_BIG_TYPE", big_type);

// Causes each usage of 'MY_BIG_TYPE' in the script below to be replaced
// by cloned copies of 'AVeryLargeType'.
let result = engine.run_with_scope(&mut scope,
    let value = MY_BIG_TYPE.value;
    let data =;
    let len = MY_BIG_TYPE.len();
    let has_options = MY_BIG_TYPE.has_options();
    let num_options = MY_BIG_TYPE.options_len();

To avoid this, compile the script first to an AST without the constants, then evaluate the AST (e.g. with Engine::eval_ast_with_scope or Engine::run_ast_with_scope) together with the constants.

Caveat: Constants may be modified by Rust methods

If the constants are modified later on (yes, it is possible, via Rust methods), the modified values will not show up in the optimized script. Only the initialization values of constants are ever retained.

const MY_SECRET_ANSWER = 42;

MY_SECRET_ANSWER.update_to(666);    // assume 'update_to(&mut i64)' is a Rust function

print(MY_SECRET_ANSWER);            // prints 42 because the constant is propagated

This is almost never a problem because real-world scripts seldom modify a constant, but the possibility is always there.