For Loop

Iterating through a numeric range or an array, or any type with a registered type iterator, is provided by the forin loop.

There are two alternative syntaxes, one including a counter variable:

for variable in expression {}

for ( variable , counter ) in expression {}

Tip: Disable for loops

for loops can be disabled via Engine::set_allow_looping.

Break or Continue

Like C, continue can be used to skip to the next iteration, by-passing all following statements.

break can be used to break out of the loop unconditionally.

For Expression

Unlike Rust, for statements can also be used as expressions.

The break statement takes an optional expression that provides the return value.

The default return value of a for expression is ().

Tip: Disable all loop expressions

Loop expressions can be disabled via Engine::set_allow_loop_expressions.

let a = [42, 123, 999, 0, true, "hello", "world!", 987.6543];

// 'for' can be used just like an expression
let index = for (item, count) in a {
    // if the 'for' loop breaks here, return a specific value
    switch item.type_of() {
        "i64" if item.is_even => break count,
        "f64" if item.to_int().is_even => break count,

    // ... if the 'for' loop exits here, the return value is ()

if index == () {
    print("Magic number not found!");
} else {
    print(`Magic number found at index ${index}!`);

Counter Variable

The counter variable, if specified, starts from zero, incrementing upwards.

let a = [42, 123, 999, 0, true, "hello", "world!", 987.6543];

// Loop through the array
for (item, count) in a {
    if x.type_of() == "string" {
        continue;                   // skip to the next iteration

    // 'item' contains a copy of each element during each iteration
    // 'count' increments (starting from zero) for each iteration
    print(`Item #${count + 1} = ${item}`);

    if x == 42 { break; }           // break out of for loop