Operators and Symbols
Operator | Description | Binary? | Binding direction |
+ | add | yes | left |
- | 1) subtract 2) negative (prefix) | yes no | left right |
* | multiply | yes | left |
/ | divide | yes | left |
% | modulo | yes | left |
** | power/exponentiation | yes | right |
>> | right bit-shift | yes | left |
<< | left bit-shift | yes | left |
& | 1) bit-wise AND 2) boolean AND | yes | left |
| | 1) bit-wise OR 2) boolean OR | yes | left |
^ | 1) bit-wise XOR 2) boolean XOR | yes | left |
= , += , -= , *= , /= ,**= , %= , <<= , >>= , &= ,|= , ^= | assignments | yes | n/a |
== | equals to | yes | left |
!= | not equals to | yes | left |
> | greater than | yes | left |
>= | greater than or equals to | yes | left |
< | less than | yes | left |
<= | less than or equals to | yes | left |
&& | boolean AND (short-circuits) | yes | left |
|| | boolean OR (short-circuits) | yes | left |
?? | null-coalesce (short-circuits) | yes | left |
! | boolean NOT | no | right |
[ … ] , ?[ … ] | indexing | yes | left |
. , ?. | 1) property access 2) method call | yes | left |
.. | exclusive range | yes | left |
..= | inclusive range | yes | left |
Symbols and Patterns
Symbol | Name | Description |
_ | underscore | default switch case |
; | semicolon | statement separator |
, | comma | list separator |
: | colon | object map property value separator |
:: | path | module path separator |
#{ … } | hash map | object map literal |
" … " | double quote | string |
` … ` | back-tick | multi-line literal string |
' … ' | single quote | character |
\ | 1) escape 2) line continuation | escape character literal |
() | unit | null value |
( … ) | parentheses | expression grouping |
{ … } | braces | block statement |
| … | | pipes | closure |
[ … ] | brackets | array literal |
! | bang | function call in calling scope |
=> | double arrow | switch expression case separator |
// | comment | line comment |
/// | doc-comment | line [doc-comment] |
//! | module doc | module documentation |
/* … */ | comment | block comment |
/** … */ | doc-comment | block [doc-comment] |
(* … *) | comment | reserved |
#! | shebang | reserved |
++ | increment | reserved |
-- | decrement | reserved |
... | rest | reserved |
~ | tilde | reserved |
!. | reserved | |
? | question | reserved |
# | hash | reserved |
@ | at | reserved |
$ | dollar | reserved |
-> | arrow | reserved |
<- | left arrow | reserved |
<| | left triangle | reserved |
|> | right triangle | reserved |
=== | strict equals to | reserved |
!== | strict not equals to | reserved |
:= | assignment | reserved |
:; | typo to :: | reserved |
::< … > | turbofish | reserved |