Create a Custom Package

See also

See also the One Engine Instance Per Call pattern.

The macro def_package! can be used to create a custom package.

A custom package can aggregate many other packages into a single self-contained unit. More functions can be added on top of others.

Custom packages are extremely useful when multiple raw Engine instances must be created such that they all share the same set of functions.


def_package! {
    /// Package description doc-comment
    pub name(variable) {
        // package init code block

    // Multiple packages can be defined at the same time,
    // possibly with base packages and/or code to setup an Engine.

    /// Package description doc-comment
    pub(crate) name(variable) : base_package_1, base_package_2, ... {
        // package init code block
    } |> |engine| {
        // engine setup code block

    /// A private package description doc-comment
    name(variable) {
        // private package init code block



descriptiondoc-comment for the package
pub etc.visibility of the package
namename of the package, usually ending in …Package
variablea variable name holding a reference to the module forming the package, usually module or lib
base_packagean external package type that is merged into this package as a dependency
package init code blocka code block that initializes the package
enginea variable name holding a mutable reference to an Engine
engine setup code blocka code block that performs setup tasks on an Engine during registration


// Import necessary types and traits.
use rhai::def_package;      // 'def_package!' macro
use rhai::packages::{ArithmeticPackage, BasicArrayPackage, BasicMapPackage, LogicPackage};
use rhai::{FuncRegistration, CustomType, TypeBuilder};

/// This is a custom type.
#[derive(Clone, CustomType)]
struct TestStruct {
    foo: String,
    bar: i64,
    baz: bool

def_package! {
    /// My own personal super package
    // Aggregate other base packages (if any) simply by listing them after a colon.
    pub MyPackage(module) : ArithmeticPackage, LogicPackage, BasicArrayPackage, BasicMapPackage
        // Register additional Rust function.
            .with_params_info(&["s: &mut TestStruct", "i64"])
            .set_into_module(module, |s: &mut TestStruct|;

        // Register a function for use as a custom operator.
            .with_namespace(FnNamespace::Global)    // <- make it available globally.
            .set_into_module(module, |x: i64, y: i64| x * x + y * y);
    } |> |engine| {
        // This optional block performs tasks on an 'Engine' instance,
        // e.g. register custom types and/or custom operators/syntax.

        // Register custom type.

        // Define a custom operator '@' with precedence of 160
        // (i.e. between +|- and *|/).
        engine.register_custom_operator("@", 160).unwrap();

Tip: Feature gates on base packages

Base packages in the list after the colon (:) can also have attributes (such as feature gates)!

def_package! {
    // 'BasicArrayPackage' is used only under 'arrays' feature.
    pub MyPackage(module) :
            #[cfg(feature = "arrays")]

Advanced: Engine setup with |>

A second code block (in the syntax of a closure) following a right-triangle symbol (|>) is run whenever the package is being registered.

It allows performing setup tasks directly on that Engine, e.g. registering custom types, custom operators and/or custom syntax.

def_package! {
    pub MyPackage(module) {
    } |> |engine| {
        // Call methods on 'engine'

Create a Custom Package from a Plugin Module


This is exactly how Rhai’s built-in packages, such as BasicMathPackage, are actually implemented.

By far the easiest way to create a custom package is to call plugin::combine_with_exported_module! from within def_package! which simply merges in all the functions defined within a plugin module.

Due to specific requirements of a package, plugin::combine_with_exported_module! flattens all sub-modules (i.e. all functions and type iterators defined within sub-modules are pulled up to the top level instead) and so there will not be any sub-modules added to the package.

Variables in the plugin module are ignored.

// Import necessary types and traits.
use rhai::def_package;
use rhai::packages::{ArithmeticPackage, BasicArrayPackage, BasicMapPackage, LogicPackage};
use rhai::plugin::*;

// Define plugin module.
mod my_plugin_module {
    // Custom type.
    pub type ABC = TestStruct;

    // Public constant.
    pub const MY_NUMBER: i64 = 42;

    // Public function.
    pub fn greet(name: &str) -> String {
        format!("hello, {}!", name)

    // Non-public functions are by default not exported.
    fn get_private_num() -> i64 {

    // Public function.
    pub fn get_num() -> i64 {

    // Custom operator.
    #[rhai_fn(name = "@")]
    pub fn square_add(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64 {
        x * x + y * y

    // A sub-module.  If using 'combine_with_exported_module!', however,
    // it will be flattened and all functions registered at the top level.
    // Because of this flattening, sub-modules are very convenient for
    // putting feature gates onto large groups of functions.
    #[cfg(feature = "sub-num-feature")]
    pub mod my_sub_module {
        // Only available under 'sub-num-feature'.
        pub fn get_sub_num() -> i64 {

def_package! {
    /// My own personal super package
    // Aggregate other base packages (if any) simply by listing them after a colon.
    pub MyPackage(module) : ArithmeticPackage, LogicPackage, BasicArrayPackage, BasicMapPackage
        // Merge all registered functions and constants from the plugin module
        // into the custom package.
        // The sub-module 'my_sub_module' is flattened and its functions
        // registered at the top level.
        // The text string name in the second parameter can be anything
        // and is reserved for future use; it is recommended to be an
        // ID string that uniquely identifies the plugin module.
        // The constant variable, 'MY_NUMBER', is ignored.
        // This call ends up registering three functions at the top level of
        // the package:
        // 1) 'greet'
        // 2) 'get_num'
        // 3) 'get_sub_num' (flattened from 'my_sub_module')
        combine_with_exported_module!(module, "my-mod", my_plugin_module));
    } |> |engine| {
        // This optional block is used to set up an 'Engine' during registration.

        // Define a custom operator '@' with precedence of 160
        // (i.e. between +|- and *|/).
        engine.register_custom_operator("@", 160).unwrap();