Objects with Defined Behaviors
To simulate specific object types coded in Rust with fields and methods.
Native Rust methods (not scripted) are pre-defined for these types.
Use an object map as the main container of the type.
Create function pointers binding to native Rust functions and store them as properties of the object map.
Rhai does not have objects per se and is not object-oriented (in the traditional sense), but it is possible to simulate object-oriented programming via object maps.
When using object maps to simulate objects (See here for more details), a property that holds a function pointer can be called like a method function with the object map being the object of the method call.
It is also possible to create function pointers that bind to native Rust functions/closures so that those are called when the function pointers are called.
A function pointer can be created that binds to a specific Rust function or closure.
(See here for details on using
and FnPtr::from_dyn_fn
// This is the pre-defined behavior for the 'Awesome' object type.
fn my_awesome_fn(ctx: NativeCallContext, args: &mut[&mut Dynamic]) -> Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
// Check number of arguments
if args.len() != 2 {
return Err("one argument is required, plus the object".into());
// Get call arguments
let x = args[1].try_cast::<i64>().map_err(|_| "argument must be an integer".into())?;
// Get mutable reference to the object map, which is passed as the first argument
let map = &mut *args[0].as_map_mut().map_err(|_| "object must be a map".into())?;
// Do something awesome here ...
let result = ...
// Register a function to create a pre-defined object
engine.register_fn("create_awesome_object", || {
// Use an object map as base
let mut map = Map::new();
// Create a function pointer that binds to 'my_awesome_fn'
let fp = FnPtr::from_fn("awesome", my_awesome_fn)?;
// ^ name of method
// ^ native function
// Store the function pointer in the object map
map.insert("awesome".into(), fp.into());
The object map can then be used just like any object-oriented object.
let obj = create_awesome_object();
let result = obj.awesome(42); // calls 'my_awesome_fn' with '42' as argument