Builder Pattern / Fluent API

Usage scenario

Key concepts

  • Wrap the builder type in shared interior mutability (aka Rc<RefCell<T>> or Arc<RwLock<T>>).

Tip: Fluent API

This same pattern can be used to implement any fluent API.

Implementation With Clonable Builder Type

This assumes that the builder type implements Clone. This is the most common scenario.

/// Builder for `Foo` instances.
pub struct FooBuilder {
    /// The `foo` option.
    foo: i64,
    /// The `bar` option.
    bar: bool,
    /// The `baz` option.
    baz: String,

/// `FooBuilder` API which uses moves.
impl FooBuilder {
    /// Creates a new builder for `Foo`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self { foo: 0, bar: false, baz: String::new() }
    /// Sets the `foo` option.
    pub fn with_foo(mut self, foo: i64) -> Self { = foo;
    /// Sets the `bar` option.
    pub fn with_bar(mut self, bar: bool) -> Self { = bar;
    /// Sets the `baz` option.
    pub fn with_baz(mut self, baz: &str) -> Self {
        self.baz = baz.to_string();
    /// Builds the `Foo` instance.
    pub fn build(self) -> Foo {
        Foo { foo:, bar:, baz: self.baz }

let mut engine = Engine::new();

    .register_fn("get_foo", FooBuilder::new)
    .register_fn("with_foo", FooBuilder::with_foo)
    .register_fn("with_bar", FooBuilder::with_bar)
    .register_fn("with_baz", FooBuilder::with_baz)
    .register_fn("create", FooBuilder::build);

Implementation With Mutable Reference

This assumes that the builder type’s API uses mutable references. The builder type does not need to implement Clone.

use rhai::plugin::*;

/// Builder for `Foo` instances.
/// Notice that this type does not need to be `Clone`.
pub struct FooBuilder {
    /// The `foo` option.
    foo: i64,
    /// The `bar` option.
    bar: bool,
    /// The `baz` option.
    baz: String,

/// Builder type API uses mutable references.
impl FooBuilder {
    /// Creates a new builder for `Foo`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self { foo: 0, bar: false, baz: String::new() }
    /// Sets the `foo` option.
    pub fn with_foo(&mut self, foo: i64) -> &mut Self { = foo; self
    /// Sets the `bar` option.
    pub fn with_bar(&mut self, bar: bool) -> &mut Self { = bar; self
    /// Sets the `baz` option.
    pub fn with_baz(&mut self, baz: &str) -> &mut Self {
        self.baz = baz.to_string(); self
    /// Builds the `Foo` instance.
    pub fn build(&self) -> Foo {
        Foo { foo:, bar:, baz: self.baz.clone() }

/// Builder for `Foo`.
pub mod foo_builder {
    use super::{Foo, FooBuilder as BuilderImpl};
    use std::cell::RefCell;
    use std::rc::Rc;

    /// The builder for `Foo`.
    // This type is `Clone`.
    pub type FooBuilder = Rc<RefCell<super::BuilderImpl>>;

    /// Creates a new builder for `Foo`.
    pub fn default() -> FooBuilder {
    /// Sets the `foo` option.
    #[rhai_fn(global, pure)]
    pub fn with_foo(builder: &mut FooBuilder, foo: i64) -> FooBuilder {
    /// Sets the `bar` option.
    #[rhai_fn(global, pure)]
    pub fn with_bar(builder: &mut FooBuilder, bar: bool) -> FooBuilder {
    /// Sets the `baz` option.
    #[rhai_fn(global, pure)]
    pub fn with_baz(builder: &mut FooBuilder, baz: &str) -> FooBuilder {
    /// Builds the `Foo` instance.
    #[rhai_fn(global, pure)]
    pub fn create(builder: &mut FooBuilder) -> Foo {

Implementation With Moves

What if the builder type’s API relies on moves instead of mutable references? And the builder type does not implement Clone?

Not too worry: the following trick has you covered!

use rhai::plugin::*;

/// Builder for `Foo` instances.
/// Notice that this type does not need to be `Clone`.
pub struct FooBuilder {
    /// The `foo` option.
    foo: i64,
    /// The `bar` option.
    bar: bool,
    /// The `baz` option.
    baz: String,

/// `FooBuilder` API which uses moves.
impl FooBuilder {
    /// Creates a new builder for `Foo`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self { foo: 0, bar: false, baz: String::new() }
    /// Sets the `foo` option.
    pub fn with_foo(mut self, foo: i64) -> Self { = foo;
    /// Sets the `bar` option.
    pub fn with_bar(mut self, bar: bool) -> Self { = bar;
    /// Sets the `baz` option.
    pub fn with_baz(mut self, baz: &str) -> Self {
        self.baz = baz.to_string();
    /// Builds the `Foo` instance.
    pub fn build(self) -> Foo {
        Foo { foo:, bar:, baz: self.baz }

/// Builder for `Foo`.
pub mod foo_builder {
    use super::{Foo, FooBuilder as BuilderImpl};
    use std::cell::RefCell;
    use std::mem;
    use std::rc::Rc;

    /// The builder for `Foo`.
    // This type is `Clone`.
    // An `Option` is used for easy extraction of the builder type.
    // If it is `None` then the builder is already consumed.
    pub type FooBuilder = Rc<RefCell<Option<BuilderImpl>>>;

    /// Creates a new builder for `Foo`.
    pub fn default() -> FooBuilder {
    /// Sets the `foo` option.
    #[rhai_fn(return_raw, global, pure)]
    pub fn with_foo(builder: &mut FooBuilder, foo: i64) -> Result<FooBuilder, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
        let b = &mut *builder.borrow_mut();

        if let Some(obj) = mem::take(b) {
            *b = Some(obj.with_foo(foo));
        } else {
            Err("Builder is already consumed".into())
    /// Sets the `bar` option.
    #[rhai_fn(return_raw, global, pure)]
    pub fn with_bar(builder: &mut FooBuilder, bar: bool) -> Result<FooBuilder, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
        let b = &mut *builder.borrow_mut();

        if let Some(obj) = mem::take(b) {
            *b = Some(obj.with_bar(bar));
        } else {
            Err("Builder is already consumed".into())
    /// Sets the `baz` option.
    #[rhai_fn(return_raw, global, pure)]
    pub fn with_baz(builder: &mut FooBuilder, baz: &str) -> Result<FooBuilder, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
        let b = &mut *builder.borrow_mut();

        if let Some(obj) = mem::take(b) {
            *b = Some(obj.with_baz(baz));
        } else {
            Err("Builder is already consumed".into())
    /// Builds the `Foo` instance.
    #[rhai_fn(return_raw, global, pure)]
    pub fn create(builder: &mut FooBuilder) -> Result<Foo, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
        let b = &mut *builder.borrow_mut();

        if let Some(obj) = mem::take(b) {
        } else {
            Err("Builder is already consumed".into())


It is easy to see that the Rhai script API mirrors the Rust API almost perfectly.

│ Rust │

let mut engine = Engine::new();

engine.register_static_module("Foo", exported_module!(foo_builder).into());

let foo = FooBuilder::new().with_foo(42).with_bar(true).with_baz("Hello").build();

│ Rhai script │

let foo = Foo::default().with_foo(42).with_bar(true).with_baz("Hello").create();