Anonymous Functions

Many functions in the standard API expect function pointer as parameters.

For example:

// Function 'double' defined here - used only once
fn double(x) { 2 * x }

// Function 'square' defined here - again used only once
fn square(x) { x * x }

let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Pass a function pointer to 'double'
let y =;

// Pass a function pointer to 'square' using Fn(...) notation
let z ="square"));

Sometimes it gets tedious to define separate functions only to dispatch them via single function pointers – essentially, those functions are only ever called in one place.

This scenario is especially common when simulating object-oriented programming (OOP).

// Define functions one-by-one
fn obj_inc(x, y) { += x * y; }
fn obj_dec(x) { -= x; }
fn obj_print() { print(; }

// Define object
let obj = #{
    data: 42,
    increment: obj_inc,     // use function pointers to
    decrement: obj_dec,     // refer to method functions
    print: obj_print


Anonymous functions have a syntax similar to Rust’s closures (they are not the same).

|param 1, param 2,, param n| statement

|param 1, param 2,, param n| { statements}

No parameters:

|| statement

|| { statements}

Anonymous functions can be disabled via Engine::set_allow_anonymous_function.

Rewrite Using Anonymous Functions

The above can be rewritten using anonymous functions.

let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let y =|x| 2 * x);

let z =|x| x * x);

let obj = #{
    data: 42,
    increment: |x, y| += x * y,   // one statement
    decrement: |x| -= x,          // one statement
    print_obj: || {
        print(;                   // full function body

This de-sugars to:

// Automatically generated...
fn anon_fn_0001(x) { 2 * x }
fn anon_fn_0002(x) { x * x }
fn anon_fn_0003(x, y) { += x * y; }
fn anon_fn_0004(x) { -= x; }
fn anon_fn_0005() { print(; }

let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let y =;

let z =;

let obj = #{
    data: 42,
    increment: anon_fn_0003,
    decrement: anon_fn_0004,
    print: anon_fn_0005