
Many functions in the standard API expect function pointer as parameters.

For example:

// Function 'double' defined here - used only once
fn double(x) { 2 * x }

// Function 'square' defined here - again used only once
fn square(x) { x * x }

let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Pass a function pointer to 'double'
let y =;

// Pass a function pointer to 'square' using Fn(...) notation
let z ="square"));

Sometimes it gets tedious to define separate functions only to dispatch them via single function pointers – essentially, those functions are only ever called in one place.

This scenario is especially common when simulating object-oriented programming ([OOP]).

// Define functions one-by-one
fn obj_inc(x, y) { += x * y; }
fn obj_dec(x) { -= x; }
fn obj_print() { print(; }

// Define object
let obj = #{
    data: 42,
    increment: obj_inc,     // use function pointers to
    decrement: obj_dec,     // refer to method functions
    print: obj_print


Closures have a syntax similar to Rust’s closures (they are not the same).

|param 1, param 2,, param n| statement

|param 1, param 2,, param n| { statements}

No parameters:

|| statement

|| { statements}

Rewrite Using Closures

The above can be rewritten using closures.

let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let y =|x| 2 * x);

let z =|x| x * x);

let obj = #{
    data: 42,
    increment: |x, y| += x * y,   // one statement
    decrement: |x| -= x,          // one statement
    print_obj: || {
        print(;                   // full function body

This de-sugars to:

// Automatically generated...
fn anon_fn_0001(x) { 2 * x }
fn anon_fn_0002(x) { x * x }
fn anon_fn_0003(x, y) { += x * y; }
fn anon_fn_0004(x) { -= x; }
fn anon_fn_0005() { print(; }

let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let y =;

let z =;

let obj = #{
    data: 42,
    increment: anon_fn_0003,
    decrement: anon_fn_0004,
    print: anon_fn_0005

Capture External Variables

Tip: is_shared

Use is_shared to check whether a particular dynamic value is shared.

Closures differ from standard functions because they can captures variables that are not defined within the current scope, but are instead defined in an external scope – i.e. where the it is created.

All variables that are accessible during the time the closure is created are automatically captured when they are used, as long as they are not shadowed by local variables defined within the function’s.

The captured variables are automatically converted into reference-counted shared values.

Therefore, similar to closures in many languages, these captured shared values persist through reference counting, and may be read or modified even after the variables that hold them go out of scope and no longer exist.

let x = 1;                          // a normal variable

x.is_shared() == false;

let f = |y| x + y;                  // variable 'x' is auto-curried (captured) into 'f'

x.is_shared() == true;              // 'x' is now a shared value! == 3;                     // 1 + 2 == 3

x = 40;                             // changing 'x'... == 42;                    // the value of 'x' is 40 because 'x' is shared

// The above de-sugars into something like this:

fn anon_0001(x, y) { x + y }        // parameter 'x' is inserted

make_shared(x);                     // convert variable 'x' into a shared value

let f = anon_0001.curry(x);         // shared 'x' is curried

Beware: Captured variables are truly shared

The example below is a typical tutorial sample for many languages to illustrate the traps that may accompany capturing external variables in closures.

It prints 9, 9, 9, … 9, 9, not 0, 1, 2, … 8, 9, because there is ever only one captured variable, and all ten closures capture the same variable.

let list = [];

for i in 0..10 {
    list.push(|| print(i));     // the for loop variable 'i' is captured

list.len() == 10;               // 10 closures stored in the array

list[0].type_of() == "Fn";      // make sure these are closures

for f in list {;                   // all references to 'i' point to the same variable!

Prevent data races

Data races are possible in Rhai scripts.

Avoid performing a method call on a captured shared variable (which essentially takes a mutable reference to the shared object) while using that same variable as a parameter in the method call – this is a sure-fire way to generate a data race error.

If a shared value is used as the this pointer in a method call to a closure function, then the same shared value must not be captured inside that function, or a data race will occur and the script will terminate with an error.

let x = 20;

x.is_shared() == false;         // 'x' not shared, so no data races

let f = |a| this += x + a;      // 'x' is captured in this closure

x.is_shared() == true;          // now 'x' is shared, 2);                   // <- error: data race detected on 'x'