That’s it; for other conversions, register custom conversion functions.
let x = 42; // 'x' is an integer
let y = x * 100.0; // integer and floating-point can inter-operate
let y = x.to_float() * 100.0; // convert integer to floating-point with 'to_float'
let z = y.to_int() + x; // convert floating-point to integer with 'to_int'
let d = y.to_decimal(); // convert floating-point to Decimal with 'to_decimal'
let w = z.to_decimal() + x; // Decimal and integer can inter-operate
let c = 'X'; // character
print(`c is '${c}' and its code is ${c.to_int()}`); // prints "c is 'X' and its code is 88"
let x = parse_float("123.4"); // parse as floating-point
x == 123.4;
type_of(x) == "f64";
let x = parse_decimal("123.4"); // parse as Decimal value
type_of(x) == "decimal";
let x = 1234.to_decimal() / 10; // alternate method to create a Decimal value
type_of(x) == "decimal";
let dec = parse_int("42"); // parse as integer
dec == 42;
type_of(dec) == "i64";
let dec = parse_int("42", 10); // radix = 10 is the default
dec == 42;
type_of(dec) == "i64";
let bin = parse_int("110", 2); // parse as binary (radix = 2)
bin == 0b110;
type_of(bin) == "i64";
let hex = parse_int("ab", 16); // parse as hex (radix = 16)
hex == 0xab;
type_of(hex) == "i64";