Comments are C-style, including /*
… */
pairs for block comments and //
for comments to the
end of the line.
Block comments can be nested.
let /* intruder comment */ name = "Bob";
// This is a very important one-line comment
/* This comment spans
multiple lines, so it
only makes sense that
it is even more important */
/* Fear not, Rhai satisfies all nesting needs with nested comments:
Comments starting with ///
(three slashes) or /**
(two asterisks) are doc-comments.
Doc-comments can only appear in front of function definitions, not any other elements.
/// This is a valid one-line doc-comment
fn foo() {}
/** This is a
** valid block
** doc-comment
fn bar(x) {
/// Syntax error: this doc-comment is invalid
x + 1
/** Syntax error: this doc-comment is invalid */
let x = 42;
/// Syntax error: this doc-comment is also invalid
let x = 42;
Long streams of //////
… and /*****
… do NOT form doc-comments.
This is consistent with popular comment block styles for C-like languages.
/////////////////////////////// <- this is not a doc-comment
// This is not a doc-comment // <- this is not a doc-comment
/////////////////////////////// <- this is not a doc-comment
// However, watch out for comment lines starting with '///'
////////////////////////////////////////// <- this is not a doc-comment
/// This, however, IS a doc-comment!!! /// <- doc-comment!
////////////////////////////////////////// <- this is not a doc-comment
* *
* This is also not a doc-comment block *
* so we don't have to put this in *
* front of a function. *
* *
Module Documentation
Comment lines starting with //!
make up the module documentation.
They are used to document the containing module – or for a Rhai script file, to document the file itself.
//! Documentation for this script file.
//! This script is used to calculate something and display the result.
fn calculate(x) {
fn display(msg) {
//! Module documentation can be placed anywhere within the file.
//! All module documentation lines will be collected into a single block.
For the example above, the module documentation block is:
//! Documentation for this script file.
//! This script is used to calculate something and display the result.
//! Module documentation can be placed anywhere within the file.
//! All module documentation lines will be collected into a single block.