Value Conversions

Convert Between Integer and Floating-Point

FunctionNot available underFrom typeTo type
to_intINT, FLOAT, DecimalINT
to_floatno_floatINT, FLOAT, DecimalFLOAT
to_decimalnon-decimalINT, FLOAT, DecimalDecimal

That’s it; for other conversions, register custom conversion functions.

let x = 42;                     // 'x' is an integer

let y = x * 100.0;              // integer and floating-point can inter-operate

let y = x.to_float() * 100.0;   // convert integer to floating-point with 'to_float'

let z = y.to_int() + x;         // convert floating-point to integer with 'to_int'

let d = y.to_decimal();         // convert floating-point to Decimal with 'to_decimal'

let w = z.to_decimal() + x;     // Decimal and integer can inter-operate

let c = 'X';                    // character

print(`c is '${c}' and its code is ${c.to_int()}`); // prints "c is 'X' and its code is 88"

Parse String into Number

FunctionFrom typeTo type
parse_int with radix 2-36stringINT (specified radix)
parse_float (not no_float)stringFLOAT
parse_float (no_float+decimal)stringDecimal
parse_decimal (requires decimal)stringDecimal
let x = parse_float("123.4");   // parse as floating-point
x == 123.4;
type_of(x) == "f64";

let x = parse_decimal("123.4"); // parse as Decimal value
type_of(x) == "decimal";

let x = 1234.to_decimal() / 10; // alternate method to create a Decimal value
type_of(x) == "decimal";

let dec = parse_int("42");      // parse as integer
dec == 42;
type_of(dec) == "i64";

let dec = parse_int("42", 10);  // radix = 10 is the default
dec == 42;
type_of(dec) == "i64";

let bin = parse_int("110", 2);  // parse as binary (radix = 2)
bin == 0b110;
type_of(bin) == "i64";

let hex = parse_int("ab", 16);  // parse as hex (radix = 16)
hex == 0xab;
type_of(hex) == "i64";

Format Numbers

FunctionFrom typeTo typeFormat
to_binaryINTstringbinary (i.e. only 1 and 0)
to_octalINTstringoctal (i.e. 07)
to_hexINTstringhex (i.e. 0f)
let x = 0x1234abcd;

x == 305441741;

x.to_string() == "305441741";

x.to_binary() == "10010001101001010101111001101";

x.to_octal() == "2215125715";

x.to_hex() == "1234abcd";